Strawberry Protein Mousse

Servings: 4 Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 8 mins Total Time: 28 mins   Ingredients ⅔ cup Trulean Strawberries and Cream Grass Fed Whey Protein 16 ounces frozen strawberries ¼ cup granular Swerve, divided pinch of sea salt 2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin 2 cups Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (or dairy-free yogurt) ¼ cup ripe strawberries, optional topping   Instructions […]

Got it together?

What up Fit Fam, I was reading today and came across an article that I thought was very valuable. The title was called “That fit person who has got it all together doesn’t” It was about how we all go through trials and tribulations in our lives no matter what we see on the outside. […]

Dominate your week

What’s up Fit Fam, I hope your weekend was great and you are ready to make moves this week. I had a great weekend up in Ventura with my family – It’s always good to put time in with the fam – laughing at each other, eating good food, and just enjoying the time we […]

Why do YOU have a coach?

Whats up Fit Fam, I hope your Monday is going well 🙂 Always start the week off with the best foot forward and it will usually propel you forward. I love to workout – I love going to the gym and putting in an hour of intensity, pure mental and physical domination. It helps me […]

Don’t listen to this lie…

What’s up Fit Fam, The past few weeks has been awesome for a lot of you. I have heard great stories of success and happiness in light of the transformation contest we are having. I am so proud of you all and I am excited to see the how all of you do a few […]

Are you the PIC of your life?

Whats up Fit Fam, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Monday 🙂 Great work this morning in the sessions! I wanted to share with you a story that I was reminded of this weekend as I was talking to my brother. He is currently learning to fly a helicopter and getting his pilot licence […]

Are you prepared for emergency?

Whats up Fit Fam, I was talking to one of our members few days ago and it reminded me how much we always need to be prepared for our goals – Not talking about exercise goals… but nutrition goals. She has been coming to boot camp for about 7 months now and has seen some […]

Do you say this?

Whats up Fit Fam, Its early, 5:38 currently, on this beautiful Friday morning and I had some inspiration to write this email to start your weekend off right. I trained Muay Thai yesterday and after an intense hour and a half training session and fifteen minute sparring session we were laying there exhausted just chatting […]

Why bother?

Whats up Fit Fam, I hope your day is going well 🙂 To the morning sessions, you guys crushed it, and I know you felt great afterward! To the evening – BE ready to ROCK! Anyway, i’m sure you have heard by now that Bob Harper of the Biggest Loser has suffered from a heart […]

Drink to your health

Whats up Fit Fam! What a great week it has been in the sessions. When I see you actively working on specific parts of the workout and being very engaged it makes me happy as a coach. Learning is the key to growth so if you can learn one thing a week here then that […]