Strawberry Protein Mousse

Whats up Fit Fam,
Its early, 5:38 currently, on this beautiful Friday morning and I had some inspiration to write this email to start your weekend off right.
I trained Muay Thai yesterday and after an intense hour and a half training session and fifteen minute sparring session we were laying there exhausted just chatting it up.
I was delirious with endorphins and feeling great even though my legs and arms were throbbing from the kicks I took — My sparing partner is definitely better than me but I love training with those who take me to the next level.
As we were talking someone made a statement – which went something like this….
“Damn I feel beat up, nothing like how I felt in my 20’s”
Another person chimed in and said, “Ya, I feel like I peaked in my 20’s, they say its all downhill form here anyway”
I looked at them both then looked at the owner of the gym and said this to him, “Damn Eddie, I feel way better than I did in my 20’s, I am stronger, fitter, leaner, more educated in many ways, farther in business, and have more aspirations than ever before. Shit – I will never peak in life. The best is YET to come.”
The owner of the gym agreed with me as we are clearly on the same wavelength mentally and physically.
The two others didn’t say a word.
Never live in the past and never believe the hype that you peak in life. Your age means nothing and your past experiences should not be a peak but should always propel you to superior future events.
Don’t live in the mindset of “I remember when…”
…when I was in better shape, or I had more money, or I have better relationships, or whatever else. If you are in the remember when era, I urge you to get out of it.
Tony Soprano said it best “Remember when is the lowest form of conversation two people can have”
Never stop pushing your boundaries and never stop being competitive. When you stop those things you become complacent and that will leave you feeling dead inside.
Keep the fire burning in your soul. The fire that launches you to ultimate prosperity and pleasure in your life.
When you learn you grow, and when you grow you never peak.
Read more books, try new things, explore more, challenge yourself more, and expect more of yourself.
I feel there are 3 crucial rules to live by.
Always take action toward your goals in life. Have 2 or 3 big goals you always more toward and make a game plan to attack them.
Surround yourself with winners and not losers. You become who you hangout with, so be with those who help you grow and see the world differently.
Never Peak because the best is yet to come.
Do something this weekend that will take you out of your comfort zone and learn something about yourself. I promise you will love it 🙂
Your trainer, reminding you to never peak,